MURX Repair Festival in Bochum
Some impressions from my “Stricks und Tricks” Workshop at the MURX Repair Festival at the beautiful location of the atelierautomatique in Bochum on 14.08.21. I
Hier findest Du Presseberichte, Eindrücke von Workshops und Tutorials zum Thema sichtbare Reparaturtechniken für Kleidung und Textilien. Diese Techniken zielen darauf ab, die Schönheit und Wertigkeit von beschädigten Gegenständen durch kreative Reparaturmethoden wiederherzustellen.
Mein Blog bietet dabei interessante Einblicke und Anleitungen für alle, die ihre Kleidung und Textilien auf besondere Weise reparieren und gestalten möchten.
Some impressions from my “Stricks und Tricks” Workshop at the MURX Repair Festival at the beautiful location of the atelierautomatique in Bochum on 14.08.21. I
It’s not easy to write about books that others have written, but I’ll try to give a short very personal review on six mending books
It’s been a while since I have given a live workshop, but lately I have taken on teaching textile upcycling and hand-embroidery again! 🥳Last month
Making beeswax wrap is really simple and it didn’t even get as messy as I thought it would. Besides, it’s a great substitute for tin
Honestly I am not an expert on wool repair as I never learned to knit and at least right now I really prefer to focus
3 upcyclers + 3 hours = 3 pieces of clothing saved from being discarded! Each of us brought a damaged piece and although we didn’t